New purpose for this website

I am delighted to announce an important change to the use and purpose of this website

As my business interests are entities in their own right in particular the new business, Property with Purpose (details about this business are now at the website: - do subscribe and visit this website for up to date details about my property mentoring business).

I now wish to focus this website on what I had always intended it to be many years ago when I established it: to outline the different business interests and skills I have to offer:

Public Speaking
Property Mentoring
Art Sales and Management
Business Networking
Event Management

Plus recommending businesses, services and products that I use myself. In short I wish to share the love. This has been motivated because I have many people asking me about who or what I use and  therefore recommend. This online forum I thought would be a good way to share and communicate this information at = Fleur Recommends.

A period of transition will begin as I move the property information and establish more detail about the new purpose of this website. Feedback always welcome!

Do subscribe and visit often to view the latest news and events and general goings on. I look forward to   getting to know you and your needs better.

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